维爱迪-动画创作家园 >> 动画业界 >> EXPOSÉ 8丛书征稿启事 |
Q: Is entry free?
A: Entry is completely free. It costs us to manage the entries and have them judged.
Q: How do artists benefit?
A: Ballistic Publishing’s goal is to promote digital artists. Artists who are successful in being selected for a Ballistic book receive substantial international exposure to potential employers, fans and their peers. We're very proud of the testimonials and feedback from featured artists as they have received the recognition and opportunities that their talents richly deserve. Many of these artists have already worked on exciting game and film projects for major studios. We also track the number of artists being featured in Ballistic books for the first time which is between one third and one half of entries which shows that we are constantly promoting new artists to the community. Artist promotion also extends beyond publication of the book with feature articles on many artists appearing on The CGSociety site, and artists also working on other Ballistic book titles.
Ballistic Publishing的目标是推广数字艺术家。成功入选Ballistic书籍的艺术家将得到极佳的国际曝光,作品被展示给潜在雇主、同行及爱好者。我们十分自豪地接到来自入选艺术家的反馈及推介,他们获得了与自身才华相称的赏识和发展机遇。许多艺术家以及开始为大工作室效力,制作激动人心的游戏和电影。我们更追踪了首次出登上Ballistic书籍的艺术家人数,他们占到了一本书的三分之一到一半,这显示了我们一直在向业界推介新人。艺术家的推广更不仅止于图书出版领域,许多艺术家的专题文章登上了CGSociety网站,并为其他Ballistic旗下的丛书供稿。
Q: Do artists get a royalty?
A: While other Ballistic Publishing authored books pay royalties to authors, compilations like EXPOSÉ, EXOTIQUE, and ELEMENTAL, do not and cannot pay call for entry artists for the non-exclusive right to show their images. It has been calculated that the total potential royalty per artist turns out to be similar in cash value to a book, which we give all artists including shipping. The benefits of free entry, a free book and representation to the worldwide CG industry far outweigh any objections raised which is why our Call for Entries for individual books have attracted up to 7,000 entries.
Ballistic的其他出版物会支付作者版税,像EXPOSÉ, EXOTIQUE和ELEMENTAL这样的合集,并非单一作者于是不能像独家版权一样结算。经过计算,整书的版税平摊给每位画家其价值与一本书的价格相近,我们还负担赠书给每位画家的运费。画家获得的收益就是免费投稿、赠送成书和排除一切可能的障碍向全世界CG行业展示自己——也因此我们每册书的征稿能吸引多达7000份的投稿。
Other publications charge a fee to enter images, where artists get nothing and the proceeds of the book only benefit the individuals creating the book. We have built a system where everyone wins:
• Free entry with no limits on the number of entries means that everyone can enter.
• Featured artists are given a free copy of the book -- including free shipping.
• Ballistic Publishing are delivering high end, high quality, mass exposure to studios worldwide where recruiters are using it to find talent.
Ballistic Publishing高端高质量的曝光机会指向全球的工作室,雇主将借此寻找人才
• Artists are using Ballistic Publishing books to showcase their work when finding jobs by showing employers that their work has been published in the world's leading digital art publication.
艺术家寻求工作时会拿Ballistic Publishing的书籍向雇主展示,表明自己的作品曾登上世界领先的数字美术出版物。
• Some featured artists go on to be authors of Ballistic Publishing books. John Wallin, Rob Chang, Linda Bergkvist and Philip Straub became the first authors of the D'Artiste series by Ballistic Publishing.
一些入围艺术家继续成为Ballistic Publishing书籍的作者。John Wallin, Rob Chang, Linda Bergkvist和Philip Straub就成为了Ballistic Publishing D'Artiste系列的第一批作者。
• Proceeds from book sales go towards supporting the The CGSociety and community events like the CG challenges and more.
从图书销售走向支持“CG界”,CGSociety及其社区开展诸如CG challenge挑战赛等多项活动。
• There is nothing like seeing your work in print in the world's leading digital art publication. Artists continue to rave about their work being published!
Q: So if artists don't get a royalty, what renumeration do they get?
A: Artists accepted into EXPOSÉ 8 are given a free copy of the book when it is published (shipping and handling fees paid for), with the option of a copy of the Special Artist's Edition (leather bound) collectors book at a heavily discounted price.
出版后画家会免费收到平装版EXPOSÉ 8(运费和手续费已付);也可选择超低折扣购买画家特别版(皮面精装)
Q: Can I send you a CD with all my images on it?
A: No. Please use the online submission system.
Q: Can I upload low resolution JPGs first, then if you accept my work, send you the high resolution artwork?
A: No. Please submit the full resolution image using the online submission system.
Q: I'm having trouble submitting artwork, who should I contact?
A: Email submissions@ballisticmedia.net
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