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维爱迪-动画创作家园 >> 动画业界 >> Siggraph 动画剧场:27 Storms: Arlene to Zeta

Siggraph 动画剧场:27 Storms: Arlene to Zeta

维爱迪-动画创作家园 出处:视觉中国 作者: 日期:2007-7-13 15:20:02 3D MAX 动画制作教程 | 推荐下载:原动画基础教程 | 动画片《大闹天宫》文学剧本 | Photoshop入门与进阶实例


Many records were broken during the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season including the most hurricanes ever, the most category 5 hurricanes, and the most intense hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic as measured by atmospheric pressure. This visualization shows all 27 named storms that formed in the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season and examines some of the conditions that made hurricane formation so favorable.


The animation begins by showing the regions of warm water that are favorable for storm development advancing northward through the peak of hurricane season and then receding as the waters cool. The thermal energy in these warm waters powers the hurricanes. Strong shearing winds in the troposphere can disrupt developing young storms, but measurements indicate that there was very little shearing wind activity in 2005 to impede storm formation.


Sea surface temperatures, clouds, storm tracks, and hurricane category labels are shown as the hurricane season progresses.


This visualization shows some of the actual data that NASA and NOAA satellites measured in 2005 -- data used to predict the paths and intensities of hurricanes. Satellite data play a vital role in helping us understand the land, ocean, and atmosphere systems that have such dramatic effects on our lives.


NOTE: This animation shows the named storms from the 2005 hurricane season. During a re-analysis of 2005, NOAA's Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center determined that a short-lived subtropcial storm developed near the Azores Islands in late September, increasing the 2005 tropical storm count from 27 to 28. This storm was not named and is not shown in this animation.




27 Storms: Arlene to Zeta  视频下载地址

责任编辑: brahma 参与评论 H网电影院 超爽动漫 电影 | 推荐下载:原动画基础教程 | 动画片《大闹天宫》文学剧本 | 超低价图书
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