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维爱迪-动画创作家园 >> 动画业界 >> How杂志第20届设计促进奖征集


维爱迪-动画创作家园 出处: 作者: 日期:2007-3-1 10:06:43 3D MAX 动画制作教程 | 推荐下载:原动画基础教程 | 动画片《大闹天宫》文学剧本 | Photoshop入门与进阶实例
大奖将邀请免费参加在美国举行的HOW设计大会。所有入选者作品将刊登在2007年10月的《SELF-PROMOTION DESIGN ANNUAL》设计年鉴上。

  Show the world, your colleagues and potential clients that you’ve got the right stuff.

  Enter your favorite projects for a chance to put your work and your name where everyone can see it. (And maybe find yourself on cloud nine.) This year you’ll find all-new categories that make it easier to submit your work. And we know you promote more than just your firm: You like to celebrate your clients’ successes, your friends’ accomplishments and your family milestones. So we’ve changed the awards from Self-Promotion — to simply Promotion — to encompass every design occasion.

  BEST OF SHOW scores a free trip to the 2008 HOW DESIGN CONFERENCE (round-trip airfare within the U.S, hotel and conference registration) and an award to be presented at the conference.

  ALL WINNERS see their work in HOW’S OCTOBER 2007 SELF-PROMOTION DESIGN ANNUAL, get a $100 discount to the 2008 HOW Design Conference and receive
We accept actual samples of annual reports, brochures, catalogs, direct mail, book and magazine covers and interior pages, invitations, announcements,
greeting cards, letterhead, logos, packaging, posters, print advertising, calendars, wearables, 3D objects and other print projects. We also accept color print-outs of workspaces, signage and other environmental
graphic design. We do not accept videos, CD-ROMs, DVDs, websites or other interactive work, or digital images or slides of print work. All digital work is eligible in our Interactive Design Awards.

  Designs may be entered in more than one category. Submit a separate entry and fee for each category. Work must have been created between Jan. 1, 2006, and March 20, 2007.

ILLUSTRATOR PROMOTIONS created for illustrators (not just work that includes illustration)
PHOTOGRAPHER PROMOTIONS created for photographers (not just work that includes photography)
DESIGNER PROMOTIONS created to promote your design business
PERSONAL PROMOTIONS created to celebrate your life events
NONPROFIT PROMOTIONS created for not-for-profit organizations (whether the work is paid or pro-bono)
STUDENT PROMOTIONS created while you were in school (whether you’ve graduated or not)
CLIENT PROMOTIONS created for paying or pro-bono customers (brochures, annual reports, ads, corporate identities, etc.)
MISCELLANEOUS PROMOTIONS created for purposes other than those above

All entries must be postmarked no later than March 19, 2007. 2007年3月19日

Entries postmarked after March 19 require a late fee of $10 per entry.

Entries postmarked after April 2, 2007, will not be accepted.

联系方式:If you have additional questions, e-mail us at self-promo-competition@fwpubs.com or call Terri Boes at (513) 531-2690 ext. 1328.


责任编辑: brahma 参与评论 H网电影院 超爽动漫 电影 | 推荐下载:原动画基础教程 | 动画片《大闹天宫》文学剧本 | 超低价图书
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