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KEYTOON 制作组专访(下)

维爱迪-动画创作家园 出处:ogdev 作者:jinjingccg 日期:2006-4-21 23:39:10 3D MAX 动画制作教程 | 推荐下载:原动画基础教程 | 动画片《大闹天宫》文学剧本 | Photoshop入门与进阶实例
In this rendering, Dr. Maxwell does not have any texture since this scene is little more than the evolution of a facial test that we liked and decided to embellish a little.

The Dr. Maxwell of the short film we are developing has textures and more details, but we will speak of that some other time.

Then we have the easel, with a very big tileable wood texture, UV-mapped so the repetition of the texture in the object is not obvious.

The blackboard is made with a hand painted textured, starting from a green color and drawing with Wacom several outlines and stains that we tried to blot, soil and to erase to give the blackboard a very used quality. Once we created the base, we chalked several rare scientific formulas, drawings of Dr. Maxwell and even a rough diagram of the 3ds max interface that lends the image a funny touch.
黑板是用一张手绘贴图制作的,起初在一片绿色中我们用Wacom数位板绘制大概的模样,并且加上一些(自然的)斑点和瑕疵,就像灰尘和抹擦的效果,给黑板一种被长期使用的材质感觉。当我们完成底板之后,我们用粉笔加了若干科学公式(然后做擦去效果当背景),画上的是Maxwell博士手绘的粗糙的3Ds Max界面,起一些幽默的点缀作用。

Overall, we used specular and glossy shaders to be able to reflect the environment and give more realism to the materials. In the case of the gums or teeth it wasn't much more than a tweak to the glossiness parameters to obtain the right degree of ‘wetness'.

The skin is the mixture of the right color, specular parameters, glossiness and a specific positioning of the lights that we will explain later on. We thought about using subsurface scattering in the skin, but as Dr. Maxwell was not yet mapped we decided to use the color and brightness only.



Although this scene does not have animation, we made several poses of the model. Some of them came from our imagination directly, but the best thing is to use real references. We took our digital camera and had an amusing time exploring poses that could be used. Very often it's good to take some time taking photos, looking in the mirror, or recording yourself in a camera. It's lets you take a step ahead when you've got a creative block.


Dr. Maxwell rendered in default pose, Middle: For the hands and the feet Jaime used him own limbs as reference.


Black board painting

Dr. Maxwell's feet
Maxwell 博士的脚


At first we wanted to use maxwell render as the render engine. We have two years of experience as beta testers, but as we could not show any image with it until the program is released, we decided to use another rendering engine. Now that maxwell render is out, we have returned to use this great new renderer for the scene.

First we did a simple light setup to test different positions for the main light. These tests were made with white materials and without textures to study how the light behaves everywhere. Once the placement of the main light was final liz ed and the volume of the objects looked right, we placed filling lights.

We made the lights with boxes of different sizes to be able to show shadows of varying sharpness according our purpose. After this we applied maxwell render emitting materials with different colors and intensities.

After there was a solid foundation for the illumination, we switch to the final materials. We altered the lighting, putting in more low-intensity lights where necessary to enhance some specific areas in the scene. We put an orange light below the character to improve the color of Dr. Maxwell's skin.

Finally the lighting was finished and we just needed to adjust the tone mapping, the exposure and aperture of the camera to complete the image.

Who are keytoon?

Keytoon is an Animation Studio founded by Alex Mateo, Jaime Maestro (AKA TACK) and Jonatan Catalán, three young artists from Valencia (Spain) crazy for comics and animation, and fans of Pixar and Ghibli.
Keytoon是由Alex Mateo, Jaime Maestro (AKA TACK) 和 Jonatan Catalán这三个来自西班牙巴伦西亚,疯狂爱好漫画和动画的年轻人所创立的动画工作室。而且,他们还是Pixar和Ghibli工作室的追崇者。

After years working in different companies and studios, collaborating in all kinds of projects like TV series, spots, short films, video games and film preproduction they have decided that it's time to start up their own studio.

Each of the three has specialized in the different aspects of production: modeling and animation, texturing and lighting, and effects and postproduction. Thanks to this, they offer diverse services at a high level.

Their works have been included in important books like: 3ds max 5, 6 and 7 Bibles, EXPOSÉ 1, EXPOSÉ 2 (Excellence Award) and 3D Short film Production (Jeremy Cantor and Pepe Valencia ).
他们的作品被采纳进许多很重要的参考书,像:3Ds Max5,6和7的使用手册,EXPOSÉ 1, EXPOSÉ 2(优秀获奖作品)和三维短片(Jeremy Cantor an与 Pepe Valencia )。

They have also had the chance to obtain some awards in their careers, like the Oscars pre-nomination received for the short film Sr. Trapo (Mr. Cloth) (also winner of Goya 2003 as the best animated short film, and finalist in other important festivals like AEAF 2002, Houston, ANNECY, Los Angeles, Berlin, etc.)
他们也在事业生涯中获得过一些授奖,像奥斯卡提名短片Sr. Trapo(衣料先生)(这部短片同样获得哥雅2003年最佳动画短片奖,并且参加了一些重要的动画节,像:AEAF2002,休斯敦,俺你死,洛杉矶,柏林等等。)

The Keytoon team is currently in preproduction for a short film called “Maxwell Beach”, and offering their services to different companies.

责任编辑: BRAHMA 参与评论 H网电影院 超爽动漫 电影 | 推荐下载:原动画基础教程 | 动画片《大闹天宫》文学剧本 | 超低价图书
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